11 Ormonde Avenue, Ballyhenry Road, Newtownabbey, Co Antrim , BT36 5AT, Ireland

About Ashcroft Trailer Hire Ltd
Articulated trailer hire, sales and repair business based outside of Belfast that trades across all of Ireland, North or South.
Trailers available for hire include: Tautliners, double deck tautliners, Skeletals, sliding skeletals, Euroliners, Ejectors, Walking floors, Flats, coil carriers, Trombone extendables, drop frame extendables, box vans, double deck box vans and tail lift trailers.
Trailers available for sale: changes daily please call (02890 832641) or view the website (www.ashcrofttrailer.co.uk)
Maintenance and repairs: Welding & fabrication, PSV preparation, safety checks, trailer refurbishment, accidental repairs, modifications, ABS & EBS repairs, axle repairs and more.
Trailers available for hire include: Tautliners, double deck tautliners, Skeletals, sliding skeletals, Euroliners, Ejectors, Walking floors, Flats, coil carriers, Trombone extendables, drop frame extendables, box vans, double deck box vans and tail lift trailers.
Trailers available for sale: changes daily please call (02890 832641) or view the website (www.ashcrofttrailer.co.uk)
Maintenance and repairs: Welding & fabrication, PSV preparation, safety checks, trailer refurbishment, accidental repairs, modifications, ABS & EBS repairs, axle repairs and more.
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