7 Church St, Miltown, Killarney, Co Kerry, ky0000, Ireland
About Irish Heart Health
Established January 2011
Irish Heart Health
Prevention before Intervention
Do you have an issue with cholesterol, blood pressure, angina, fatigue, chest pain, poor circulation or diabetes? Is there a family history of heart disease? Would you like to know how healthy your arteries are for your age?
Irish Heart Health based in Miltown Co Kerry is a specialist service providing clients with a concise picture of their cardiovascular health with a view to preventing a heart attack and stroke through early detection. All our nutritional therapists are registered with the IANT, NTOI or BANT.
We provide you with a nutritional, dietary and lifestyle assessment and a Pulse Wave Analysis, which uniquely measures your Central Aortic Systolic Pressure and Arterial Stiffness in addition to regular blood pressure. We then design a specific program to enhance your cardiovascular health with particular emphasis on the normalisation of blood pressure, a reduction in central aortic blood pressure, an increase in the elasticity of the arteries, reductions in cholesterol levels and other criteria including weight loss, if required. The results for those who comply with the program are over all, excellent.
An Irish Heart Health consultation is suitable for people of 30 to 80 years of age; it is fast, non- invasive and pain-less. As in all areas of nutritional therapy all "red flags" are addressed, and we can work alongside your GP program.
www.irishhearthealth.com email. : info@irishhearthealth.com 35382740788
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