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 Ireland Business Directory
Electroelsa Srl

Via Toscana 22, Poggibonsi, 53036, Ireland

Phone: 00390577913401

Fax: 00390577913462

Email Electroelsa Srl

About Electroelsa Srl
Electroelsa was established in 1982 and started its activity in the civil and industrial plant engineering. Later it broadened its activity field developing a division for control panels and automation systems, and it went so far, that today became its driving sector. 1987, the company further extended its operation radius, adding a mechanics division that perfectly matches and completes its previous activities. Electroelsa is the only company , world wide , who make 100% of it's products in house including control panel , cable numbering and panel designs . For this reason , the company is able to costumize it's product to satiffy all costumers'needs arround the world from Japan to USA . products: Material hoist , rack and pinion system cover the loads from 400kg up to 5000kg , Industrial and construction hoist (lift) from 400kg up to 4000kg on double mast included double cage systems and Mast climbing work platforms that reach 30 meter wide.
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