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Counselling for Men & Women

By Counselling4U

03/07/2011 For some parents being a good enough mother or father comes naturally, however for other men & women being a good enough father or mother may presents major challenges. Both A Fathers and Mothers Psychological Wellbeing and Mental Health is critically important. Fathers and Mothers who failed to experience the affection and sensitivity of their own parents in the father / Mother – son / daughter relationship often require help and support.
If you are experiencing psychological, emotion or behavioural difficulties in being the father or mother you would like to be, there is help and support available. Accessing a counselling support service is a healthy ways of addressing fathering issues.

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You may want to be a better person, a better father, a better partner or just ot be accepted for who you are. You may want to give up smoking, to manage your weight, to manage your fears, to manage what controls you or you may want to find alternative ways to deal with chronic pain or unhelpful beha…

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